Hi Dolls!
How are we all doing this week!? We are feeling super busy at the JBD head quarters - the grind never stops!
We need some good motivation to get us through the hectic work week. What do you all work hard for? What goals have you pushing your 9-5's then some!? Are you a glass half full kinda girl or negative Nancy ?! (LOL)
Regardless of what kinda motivational mood you are in we have got you covered to give you that kick you need in getting back on track with your goals and keeping your positive vibes up!
We are sharing our personal habits that help keep us on track an motivated.
A journal is so beneficial for your mental and physical health. It helps you get to know yourself better. If you've been debating an issue for a while writing it down really might help you see things clearer and find that solution.
It also will help you keep track of your goals and help you stay accountable.
Write down everything you want to accomplish and keep track what you've done to get to your end goal.
Testing your limits and learning to stick to what you say is huge. This will make a difference in getting to those little things you say you will change about yourself for the better to actually change.
Practicing small rep willpower changes like sitting up straight, not using the word um in a sentence, 'bored' eating (little things) can dramatically raise your willpower.
Having strong willpower makes you better equipped to inspire - change, positivity, and just be the leader you know you are destined to be.
Even if you are comfortable where you are in life. Look for opportunity to help someone else. Helping someone get where they need to go on their journey can also be very beneficial to yourself.
Everyone has something inspiring to share and endless things to teach you. Knowledge is power and life opportunity is the best place to learn.
You never know how a new opportunity can impact and change you even if you think your content!
In this case we want you to pick up an easy uplifting read.
Pick up your favorite poetry book full of inspiring quotes and throw it in the office draw, put in your pocket book and when you are feeling like you just need a break pull it out.
Take a moment and read one of these quotes that inspire you. Really read each word and decipher what it means to you.
Obviously we have jewels to go with the motivational mood. Personalized pieces is our thing ;)
Any of our "name" necklace pieces can be customized to have sayings on them. Stay chic and wear your motivation around your neck.
All my real queens rocks this around there neck.
Take your favorite bible verse and wear it around your neck to remind yourself of the message.
Sometimes just one word reminders is all we need.
Letting the world know obviously i'm fierce af. DUH.
A simple reminder you are strong.
Get creative dolls and create a piece a piece that has meaning to you !
We hope you enjoyed this weeks blog and we hope it gives you that little kick to get through your week :)
As always tag us in how you style your jewels.
JBD Team
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Hi Dolls!
Happy Fall we are just obsessed with everything fall from the decor down to the pumpkin spice everything. We've been doing some fall decorating in our jewels office and that got us inspired to share some fun decor ideas for your home! Keep reading to be inspired...